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Consistent Effort - My Tips For Freelance Success

freelance advice freelance connection Nov 16, 2021

So you feel like you're always applying for jobs and nothing is coming in. In this episode, I discuss consistent efforts. Being consistent looks a little different for everybody, and it comes down to if you're working your business as a hobby, a part-time gig, or as a full-time one. 

Consistent effort is what makes the most sense for you and something you can be accountable for. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're going to hold yourself accountable to make sure these things are happening.

Tip #1:  Applying for jobs on a consistent basis. You can't wait for a job or project to be done and then start applying for jobs. You need to be mindful of when one job is wrapping up you need to start applying. This will keep the consistent flow of jobs coming. Keep in mind you may not get interviews with many of them that you apply for.

Tip #2: Look at your bandwidth and what spots do you have open in your schedule. Do you have time for 10 hours a week? 20 hours a week? It starts with knowing what you have available to work with. You need to start with that overall picture of what you can take on in your freelancing business.

I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, I would love to dive into this deeper with you. I have a "Talk Freelance" each month where we talk about everything freelance at I would love to see you there!

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